We hope you will come out and join us for our rides. Rides begin again in the off season normally begining in June.
Please download and sign a waiver / release (if required) bring it with you. You may contact nmmvh.treas@www.nm-mvh.com or use the link below to pay in advance via paypal. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=M67XCTAAWU956
Download Trail Ride PDF.
New Market-Middletown Valley Hounds would like to thank everyone who makes our summer trail ride season such a success. The hosts make each event possible, but there are many helping hands along the way, and many unnamed landowners over whose property we ride whose support of equestrian sport is greatly appreciated by all involved. In addition to these exciting rides we may add a few more, as hosts express an interest -- especially for those crucial weeks in August leading up to cub hunting. Updates will be posted on the website Events page with details here on the Trail Ride page check back often! The hunt will also update the monitor at 301-371-4081 with any last minute details regarding events. Please call the monitor to keep track of changes. |